Symptoms & Possible Diagnosis
Outlined below are the most common symptoms which would require consultation with a urologist. These symptoms are by no means diagnostic, nor conclusive enough and require proper assessment and further investigations to arrive at the right diagnosis.
Disclaimer: This list of possible diagnosis are the most common pertaining to the symptom listed above, but are by no means, exhaustive and complete.
Blood in the urine
Bloody urine is always significant and needs further evaluation, especially so in those above 50 years of age because urinary tract cancers must to be excluded. Investigations include ultrasound, xrays and even a cystoscopy.
- Tumour / cancer
- Stone
- Infection
Pain in the loin
Pain over the loin can be severe and usually indicates the problem is in the kidney. If the pain is colicky (spasmodic) in nature, the most common cause is an obstructing kidney stone. Investigations include urine tests, ultrasound and xrays.
- Stone in the kidney
- Infection in kidney
- Tumour in kidney
Pain in the groin
Pain over the groin can originate from the bladder or prostate. It can also radiate up from an infection in the scrotum. A physical examination is needed, followed by urine tests and ultrasound.
- Stone in ureter or bladder
- Infection in prostate (in males)
- Infection of bladder
- Hernia
- Varicocoele (in males)
Frequent urination
Passing urine too often can be disturbing and disrupting. The underlying causes can be bladder infection, obstruction or an ‘over-sensitive’ bladder. Investigations include urine tests, ultrasound and uroflow study.
- Enlarged prostate (in males)
- Overactive bladder
- Infection of bladder or urethra
Pain during urination
Pain during urination is a distressing symptom. Infection is the most common cause, although it can also be due to bladder stone. Investigations needed are urine tests, ultrasound and xrays.
- Infection of bladder
- Infection in prostate (in males)
- Stone in bladder
Uncontrolled leakage of urine, including dribbling
Incontinence affects one’s quality of life. It can be corrected provided the underlying cause is determined. A physical examination is needed, followed by urine tests and uroflow study.
- Pelvic floor defect (in females)
- Enlarged prostate (in males)
- Overactive bladder
- Hypotonic (weak) bladder (in elderly)
Lump in the scrotum
Scrotal lumps are always abnormal. A physical examination is needed, followed by ultrasound.
- Cancer of testis (in males)
- Cyst in epididymis (in males)
- Hydrocoele (in males)
- Hernia
Pain in the scrotum
Pain in the scrotum can be severe. If torsion testis is suspected, urgent treatment is needed because of the risk of gangrene. Physical examination and ultrasound will help distinguish the causes.
- Infection of testis/epididymis (in males)
- Torsion testis (in boys)
- Varicocoele (in males)
Raised PSA (>4 ug/L)
Prostate specific antigen is a tumour marker used to detect prostate cancer in men. However, it is not specific enough as it can also be elevated by infection and large benign prostates. Although an MRI can be doen, biopsy under transrectal ultrasound guidance is the best way of picking up cancer.
- Prostate cancer
- Benign enlargement of prostate (BPH)
- Chronic prostate infection
Sediments in urine
Sediments in the urine is a non-specific observation. It represents dead cells that have shed into the urine. Investigations include urine, kidney function tests and ultrasound / xrays.
- Stone
- Infection of bladder
- Infection of prostate (in males)
- Kidney failure