Greenlight Laser TURP (PVP)

Greenlight laser TURP (called PVP) is a bloodless method for removing benign prostate enlargement (BPH). The advantage over conventional TURP is that the greenlight laser seals the blood vessels more effectively. However, it is a slower procedure and may take up to 2 hours for larger prostates. As the prostate lobes are lasered away, there no tissue for histological examination. As such, PVP is reserved for BPH with normal PSA level (< 4 ug/L).
How it is done
Safety googles have to been worn to protect the eyes. Under general anaesthesia, the laser fiber is inserted through the cystoscope to emit a green laser beam that vapourises the prostate gland to create a cavity. The raw surface heals over the next 2 to 3 weeks. A catheter is inserted at the end of the surgery but unlike conventional TURP, minimal irrigation fluid is needed. This catheter is removed the next day.

Watch how PVP is done
Hospital stay is just 1 day compared to 3 to 4 days for standard TURP. The other advantage is that anticoagulant medication, such warfarin need not be stopped beforehand.

Dr Chin doing PVP surgery
Complications include:
- bleeding. This is minimal and clears by 2 to 3 weeks
- dysuria. This is an irritating feeling during urination and is due to the raw surface of the prostate
- infection (UTI). This is due to infection of the dead prostate tissue -0lup;i’