Rare & Complex Surgery Cases Managed
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 4 cm cancer in left moiety of horseshoe kidney + excision of 5.5 cm hilar lymph node metastasis in a 55 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy for 87 gm prostate cancer in a 56 year old man in a console time of 2 hours
- Creation of Mitrofanoff in 46 year old man with atonic bladder from spina bifida for recurrent urethral stricture
- Robotic prostatectomy for 24 gm prostate cancer in a 56 year old man in a console time of 1 hr 40 mins
- Robotic adrenalectomy for 4 cm retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma simulating adrenal tumour in a 52 year old man in a console time of 1 hr 40 mins
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 4 cm cancer situated at hilum in 59 year old man with adult polycystic kidneys with chronic kidney failure
- Open ureterolithotomy and ureter reimplantation for impacted 3×2 cm ureter stone from ureter orifice stricture in a 76 year old man
- Robotic partial nephrectomy via retroperitoneal approach in a 46 year old woman with 1 cm non-fat angiomyolipoma located at posterior midpole
- Robotic prostatectomy for 20 gm prostate cancer in a 76 year old man in a console time of 1 hr 45 mins
- Robotic nephroureterectomy for 67 year old woman with a 3.5 cm long ureter cancer in a console time of 2 hours
- Transurethral resection of recurrent rectal cancer invading into bladder in 59 year old man with previously resected locally advanced rectum cancer
- Cystoscopic ablation of recurrent rectal cancer invading into urethra in 42 year old with previous AP resection for rectum cancer
- Laparoscopic total nephrectomy for 49 year old woman with 9 cm kidney cancer
- Robotic repair of vesicovaginal fistula following radiotherapy for cervix cancer in 48 year old woman
- Open colposuspension for 53 year old woman with grade 3 cystocoele
- Ileal conduit for 64 year old woman with recurrent colon cancer in the pelvis causing colovesical fistula and hydronephrosis
- Excision of 5×3 cm recurrent liposarcoma of spermatic cord excised 6 years ago in a 59 year old man
- Excision of extensive silicoma of penis/scrotum in 55 year old man
- Prostate biopsy of ectopic 1 cm benign nodule reported as Pirads 4 lesion on MRI in a 55 year old with high PSA
- Open radical nephrectomy and hernia repair on 63 year old man with 15 cm papillary type of kidney cancer and inguinal hernia
- Robotic nephroureterectomy on a 63 year old man with 4 cm kidney cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 41 gm prostate cancer in a 42 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy for 68 gm prostate cancer with 2 cm median lobe in a 65 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy + low anterior resection in a 56 year old man for rectal cancer which had invaded into the prostate
- Robotic prostatectomy on a 71 year man with locally advanced prostate cancer whose PSA was 117 ug/L → post-op PSA = 0.02 ug/L
- Excision of 3 cm wide-neck urethral diverticulum at the distal penis in a 3 year old boy
- Cystoscopic insertion of urethral wall stent in 80 year old man with recurrent 3 cm long stricture from post-radiotherapy and post-TURP for prostate cancer despite repeated urethral dilatations
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 4.5 cm endophytic cystic cancer located at midpole of right kidney in a 64 year old man
- Transurethral incision of bladder neck in a 51 year old man with chronic retention of urine resulting in bilateral hydronephrosis and renal atrophy
- Robotic prostatectomy in 81 year old man with 36 gm locally advanced prostate cancer
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 4 cm cystic kidney cancer located at lower pole of right kidney on a 44 year man
- Insertion of 10 cm long Memokath ureter stent for post-radiation stricture of lower ureter in a 59 year old woman with advanced cervix cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 34 gm prostate cancer in a 64 year old man at 2 weeks post-biopsy. Console time of 1 hr 20 mins
- Transurethral resection of multiple bladder cancers in 64 year old man with transitional cell cancer in left kidney removed 5 months earlier
- Robotic pyeloplasty for PUJ stricture in a 40 year old female
- Robotic reimplantation of recurrent ureter stricture despite previous balloon dilatation in 40 year old female
- TURP and cystolitholapaxy on a 65 year old man with 67 ml trilobed BPH and 1.5 cm bladder stone
- Excision of 9 cm ovarian cancer adherent to the bladder
- Lower ureterectomy and partial cystectomy on a 94 year old female with cancer in distal ureter that had invaded into the bladder causing gross hydronephrosis
- Laparoscopic excision of 1 cm urachal cyst attached to bladder dome causing recurrent UTI in a 28 year old female
- Robotic prostatectomy in 68 year old man with 25 gm prostate cancer with restrictive lung disease from ankylosing spondylitis and previous cervical spine fusion
- Excision and total nephrectomy for 36 x 18 cm retroperitoneal liposarcoma encasing the left kidney weighing 3.5 kg in a 33 year old female
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm oncocytoma in 57 year old man with chronic kidney disease
- Robotic partial nephrectomy via retropertoneal approach in a 47 year old man with 3 cm kidney cancer located at posterior midpole
- Open left radical nephrectomy and IVC thrombectomy for 35 year old man with Ewing’s sarcoma of the kidney
- Robotic right radical nephrectomy on a 65 year old female with 6.6 cm kidney cancer. Done in 1 hr 25 mins
- Robotic prostatectomy for 82 gm prostate cancer in a 79 year old man
- Robotic pyeloplasty in a 17 year old who presented with renal colic from a 6 mm stone lodged above an inflammatory PUJ stricture
- Robotic prostatectomy on a 52 year old man with early stage 3 prostate cancer in a 44 gm prostate detected from screening PSA of 4.5 ug/L
- Robotic prostatectomy in a 81 year old man with prostate cancer found post-TURP
- Robotic adrenalectomy & partial nephrectomy for a 2.5 cm adrenal tumour + 1.5 cm kidney cancer on the same side in a 28 year old man with hypertension from Conn’s syndrome. Done in 2 hrs 10 mins
- Open partial nephrectomy for 80 year old man with 5 cm kidney cancer
- TURP for 72 year old man with recurrent retention of urine from huge BPH – 129 gm resected
- TURBT for 60 year old man with multiple bladder tumours of mixed grade
- Radical orchidectomy on 20 year old for embryonal carcinoma of testis with lymph node metastasis despite normal tumour markers
- TURP on 62 year old man with advanced poorly differentiated, basal cell type prostate cancer invading left ureter with normal PSA level presenting with pelvic pain, hydronephrosis and acute retention of urine
- Robotic nephrouretectomy on 62 year old woman with multifocal cancers in kidney pelvis
- Robotic nephroureterectomy on 90 year old woman with 1.5 cm ureter cancer with a second cancer 4 mm in kidney that not seen on CT scan or scope
- Robotic nephrectomy on 72 year old man for 4.7 cm solid kidney cancer with a second cancer inside 2 cm cyst in same kidney that was not reported on CT scan
- Reimplantation of ureter in 64 year old man for transected ureter unrecognised during right colon resection
- Reimplantation of ureter in 41 year old woman that was accidentally ligated during bladder repair after hysterectomy
- Robotic prostatectomy on a 54 year old man for recurrent prostate cancer who had HIFU treatment 7 years ago
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 6.5 cm rare, high grade rhabdoid type of cell kidney cancer in a 37 year old man
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 6.5 cm cystic kidney cancer with sarcoidosis in a 63 year old man
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm papillary type of kidney cancer in a 73 year old woman via retroperitoneal approach
- Suprapubic catheterisation and drainage of inguinoscrotal abscess for recurrent left scrotal infection and bladder obstruction from rectal cancer which had invaded into the prostate in a 57 year old man
- TURP + Cystolitholapaxy for 68 year old man with enlarged prostate and 13 bladder stones
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 3 cm angiomyolipoma of kidney in a 56 year old woman via retroperitoneal approach
- Excision of recurrent recto-vesical fistula following robotic prostatectomy in a 69 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-TURP prostate cancer in 72 year old man given hormonal treatment
- Robotic pyeloplasty in 38 year old man with recurrent PUJ stricture after failed laparoscopic pyeloplasty. Done in 2 hours
- Robotic pyeloplasty in 37 year old woman with PUJ obstruction from crossing vessel who presented with pyonephrosis 3 weeks after delivering twin babies. Done in 2.5 hours
- TURP ( 68 gm ) on 56 year old man who presented with recurrent acute urinary retention
- Hydrocoelectomy in 53 year old man who presented with spontaneous rupture of large right hydrocele
- Robotic prostatectomy for 54 gm prostate cancer in a 74 year old man. Done in 1 hr 45 mins
- Robotic prostatectomy for 56 gm prostate cancer in a 73 year old man. Done in 1 hr 50 mins
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 55 year old lady with 7 x 5 cm exophytic benign angiomyolipoma of the kidney. Done in 2 hrs 20 mins
- Robotic prostatectomy with frozen section for 50 gm prostate cancer with bladder base involvement in a 75 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy with frozen section for 50 gm prostate cancer encroaching bladder base in a 75 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy for 82 gm prostate cancer with large intravesical left lobe in a 66 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy for 38 gm prostate cancer in 54 year old man with open heart repair for tetralogy of Fallot defect as a child and unexplained functional lung impairment. Done in 1 hr 55 mins
- Robotic prostatectomy for 32 gm prostate cancer located at anterior zone in a 69 year old man. Done in 2.5 hrs
- TURP (42 gm) for 80 year old man with recurrent acute urinary retention and is on warfarin for atrial fibrillation with moderate mitral valve regurgitation
- TURBT for 27 year old women with huge bladder cancer 9 x 8 x 7 cm occupying half of her bladder volume. Done in 2 sessions. Total tumour weight 92 + 66 gm
- Reimplantation ureter for ureter stricture from suture injury during Caesarean section
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2.5 cm kidney cancer in 78 year old woman with chronic kidney disease
- Excision of extensive silicon granuloma of scrotum, penis and pubis
- Laparoscopic excision of urachal fistula in 56 year old woman who presented with recurrent umbilical and bladder infection
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm chromophobe type of kidney cancer with malrotated kidney detected from spine MRI in a 54 year old man detected from spine MRI
- Radical nephrectomy in a 62 year old woman for 9 x 7 cm stage 3 kidney cancer stuck to the diaphragm
- Open radical nephrectomy with vena cava thrombectomy for 54 year old man with 7 cm cancer in right kidney with tumour thrombus extending to right atrium
- Robotic partial nephrectomy via retroperitoneal approach for 72 year old woman with 3 cm cancer at posterior hilar aspect of right kidney
- Robotic prostatectomy for 39 gm prostate cancer in 72 year old man who was on anti-androgen therapy. Done in 2 hrs 15 mins
- Robotic prostatectomy & pelvic lymphadenectomy on 63 year old man with ductal type of prostate cancer
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 53 year old woman with 2.5 cm benign angiomyolipoma at upper pole of kidney mimicking cancer
- Robotic partial nephrectomy converted to total nephrectomy for 1.5 cm totally endophytic parapelvic-located kidney cancer
- Open partial nephrectomy for mostly-endophytic 4.5 cm kidney cancer in a 42 year old man
- Retrograde intrarenal surgery for 3 cm stenotic calyceal diverticulum containing 5 stones in 31 year old woman presenting with UTI
- Laparoscopic ureterolysis for endometriotic stricture of lower ureter in 40 year old woman presenting with renal colic
- Transurethral resection of foreign body tape in bladder embedded from dome to left bladder neck \ proximal urethra in 39 year old woman who had mid-urethra sling inserted 2 years ago
- Buccal mucosa urethroplasty for recurrent 6 cm penile stricture in 36 year old man
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 1.8 cm totally endophytic complex hilar cyst in 51 year old man
- Open partial nephrectomy for 7 cm kidney cancer in 44 year old man with recent cholecystectomy and initially offered laparoscopic total nephrectomy
- Laparoscopic excision of symptomatic 11 x 10 cm parapelvic kidney cyst in 54 year old woman causing hypertension
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2.5 cm kidney cancer in 43 year old man with colon and peri-tumour adhesions from tumour biopsy done 3 weeks earlier
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 6 cm complex cyst containing papillary type cancer in 59 year old man
- Partial nephrectomy for 3 cm hilar-located kidney cancer in 73 year old man with chronic kidney failure
- Laparoscopic left adrenalectomy for 2 cm benign adenoma in 32 year old woman
- Circumcision and TURP in 82 year old man with acute retention of urine from BPH and suprapubic catheter inserted because of phimosis from lichens sclerosis with penis cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy and hernia repair in 74 year old man with 58 gm prostate cancer and 7 cm left inguinal hernia done in 2 hrs
- Robotic partial nephrectomy in 74 year old woman done in 1.5 hrs for 2 cm benign haemagiopericytoma for which needle biopsy reported as “cancer”
- Robotic reimplantation of both ureters due to recurrent strictures secondary to radiation for locally advanced cervix cancer in 59 year old woman
- Excision of 3 cm urethral diverticulum in 70 year old woman
- Robotic reimplantation of recurrent endometriotic stricture at lower ureter in 42 year old woman
- Mini-perc for recurrent, multiple kidney stones > 2 cm size in 60 year old woman with previous standard PCNL done in 2010
- 3 ESWL sessions for 2.5 x 2 cm kidney stone in 40 year old man who declined PCNL
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 6 cm kidney cancer in 92 kg, 49 year old man
- Open partial nephrectomy in 82 year old women with 10 cm kidney cancer from oncocytic transformation in which biopsy done in 2015 reported benign oncocytic cells
- Diathermy fulguration of 1 cm bladder cancer tumour using flexible cystoscope in a 71 year old man with robotic prostatectomy done years earlier
- Robotic partial nephrectomy on 37 year old man with 4 cm cystic cancer with previous robotic partial nephrectomy in opposite kidney done 2 years earlier for 3cm solid kidney cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 46 gm prostate cancer on 71 year old man whose bone scan over-reported lumbar spine arthritis as “ metastasis “
- Robotic prostatectomy for 34 gm prostate cancer in 73 year old man with kyphosis done in 2 hours
- Robotic prostatectomy on 72 year old man with 1 cm median lobe 44 gm prostate with 1cm median lobe containing ductal type of cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 110 gm prostate cancer on 57 year old man done in 4 hours
- Robotic right adrenalectomy for 8.5 x 8 cm benign myelolipoma in 58 year old woman done in 1 hr 40 min
- Successful vasectomy reversal in 50 year old man whose vasectomy was 13 years ago
- TURP for 140 ml trilobed BPH causing chronic retention of urine and bilateral hydronephrosis
- Excision of 1.5 cm urethral diverticulum in female
- Radical nephrectomy for 5 cm kidney cancer with renal vein thrombus in 91 year old man
- ESWL for multiple bilateral kidney stones in woman with underlying hyperparathyroidism
- Radical nephrectomy for 9 cm kidney cancer with 5 cm long thrombus in inferior vena cava
- Transurethral resection of multiple bladder cancers up to 3 cm size
- Laparoscopic left nephrectomy for 7×6 cm kidney cancer with anomalous renal vein
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 1.5 cm cancer in left kidney
- Robotic pyeloplasty in 18 year old who presented with pyonephrosis from PUJ stricture and high-pressure chronic bladder obstruction from overactive sphincter
- Re-look cystoscopy and biopsy for man with prostate cancer invading bladder initially misdiagnosed as bladder cancer invading prostate
- Transurethral resection of multiple bladder cancers 1cm to 3 cm size in 39 year old woman
- Orchidectomy for 50 year old man with extra-vaginal type of torsion testis
- Radical orchidectomy for malignant seminoma in 35 year old man misdiagnosed as infection
- Laparoscopic upper moiety hemi-nephroureterectomy from chronic ureteric stricture in complete duplex kidney in 19 year old male
- Laparoscopic marsupialisation of 10 x 8 cm cyst in left kidney done in 1 hour
- Robotic prostatectomy on 80 gm prostate cancer in 103 kg man done in 2.5 hours
- Robotic prostatectomy on 73 gm prostate cancer with simultaneous repair of bilateral direct inguinal hernias done in 2.5 hours
- Transurethral incision of bladder neck in 48 year old man who had bilateral reimplantation of ureters for bilateral hydronephrosis mistaken to be from vesicoureteric reflux
- Radical nephrectomy for 3 cm papillary type of kidney cancer plus left hemicolectomy discovered on staging CT scan done for cancerous polyp in colon
- Excision of 2 cm adenomatoid tumour in scrotum
- Robotic prostatectomy on 52 gm prostate cancer stuck to rectum and levator muscle after failed HIFU treatment
- Robotic prostatectomy on 47 year old with 36 gm prostate cancer
- Radical nephrectomy on 45 year old woman with multifocal cancers and renal vein thrombus abutting inferior vena cava
- Partial penectomy for recurrent penile cancer from underlying chronic balanitis
- Sperm retrieval in man with azoospermia from congenital absence of vas deferens
- Cystoscopy and catheterisation for urethral injury post-perineal surgery for rectal stump cancer
- Robotic left adrenalectomy for 2 cm aldosterone-secreting adenoma causing secondary hypertension
- Robotic prostatectomy on 55 gm prostate cancer with 1 cm median lobe
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 3 cm benign oncocytoma mimicking cancer in 75 year old man with toxic-fat kidney
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 3 x 3 cm kidney cancer
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 5.5 cm angiomyolipoma
- Ureteric dilatation for right ureter stricture followed by robotic left partial nephrectomy for 1.7 cm oncocytic type of kidney cancer
- Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy and TURBT for synchronous ureter cancer and bladder cancer
- Cystoscopic ablation of 1 cm bladder cancer
- Cystoscopic ablation of 2 cm recurrent bladder cancer with recurrent urethral stricture and long penile urethra
- Urethrotomy and dilatation of double urethra stricture
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 1 cm totally endophytic oncocytoma of kidney
- Radical nephrectomy for 10 x 12 cm malignant plasmacytoma of kidney invading psoas muscle and left colon mesentery
- Repair of 3 mm bladder-uterine fistula post-Caesarean section
- Partial nephrectomy for 5.5 cm cancerous complex cyst of kidney in 35 year old female
- Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for 3 cm ureter cancer
- Urethral dilatation of membranous urethral stricture post-TURP
- Robotic pyeloplasty for PUJ obstruction from crossing vessel followed by robotic cholecystectomy for gallbladder polyps in same patient
- Transurethral resection of multiple ( > 8 ) bladder tumours up to 3 cm size
- Repair of recurrent bladder-vaginal fistula plus stenting of left ureter following laparoscopic hysterectomy and previous repair complicated by suture obstruction of left ureteric orifice
- Robotic prostatectomy on 107 kg man with a BMI of 38
- Robotic prostatectomy for 120 gm prostate cancer in man with recurrent retention of urine
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-TURP prostate cancer
- Cystoscopy and right hemicolectomy for caecum cancer invading into bladder
- Orchidectomy for 23 year old with missed torsion testis
- Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for 3 cm ureter cancer adherent to internal iliac artery
- Insertion of bilateral DJ stents for bilateral impacted ureter stones causing acute kidney failure with creatinine level of > 1000 mmol/L
- Partial nephrectomy for 4 cm kidney cancer
- Total nephrectomy for xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis from staghorn stone and fistula between calyx and left colon
- Partial cystectomy for recurrent colon cancer invading into bladder
- Sperm retrieval for man with azoospermia from congenital absence of vas
- Excision of 9 x 8 x 7 cm bladder diverticulum causing recurrent UTI
- Urethrotomy and dilatation for recurrent double urethra stricture
- Reimplantation and reduction ureteroplasty of refluxing 2.5 cm wide megaureter after previous ureterocoele surgery
- Partial orchidectomy for Leydig cell tumour in 17 year old male with precocious puberty
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 5 cm kidney cancer located at anterior hilum
- Optical urethrotomy for 3 pin-hole strictures at bulbous urethra from previous TURP
- Partial nephrectomy for 2 cm kidney cancer and 3 cm complex cyst in same kidney
- Transurethral resection of 2 cm endometriotic nodule in bladder
- Robotic pyeloplasty for PUJ obstruction from crossing vessel
- Transurethral resection of 3 cancerous tumours in posterior bladder using flexible cystoscope because tumours beyond reach of standard resectoscopes
- Laparoscopic-assisted right nephroureterectomy for 3 x 1 cm ureter cancer causing gross hydronephrosis
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm angiomyolipoma in left kidney mimicking cancer
- Robotic radical nephrectomy for 9 cm cancer in right kidney
- Robotic prostatectomy on 55 year old man whose cancer progressed to stage 3 after 3 years of active surveillance
- Robotic marsupialisation of symptomatic 7 cm parapelvic cyst in right kidney
- Repair of distal hypospadias with correction of chordee in 48 year old man
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm kidney cancer
- Flexible ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy for 3 stones ( 1 cm each) in horseshoe kidney
- Excision biopsy of intra-testicular adenomatoid tumour
- Transurethral resection of 2 x 1 cm inverted papilloma in bladder
- Partial nephrectomy for 3.5 cm cancerous complex cyst with adjacent simple cysts
- Robotic right adrenalectomy for 3 cm adenoma
- Laparoscopic nephrectomy followed by completion lower ureterectomy for renal transitional cell cancer mimicking renal cell cancer
- Transurethral deroofing of 3 cm left ureterocoele
- Circumcision, TURP followed by open diverticulectomy of 14 x 7 cm bladder diverticulum compressing right ureter
- Laparoscopic excision of 6×5 cm left adrenal cavernous haemangioma
- Laparoscopic right adrenalectomy for 3×2 cm adenoma causing Cushing’s syndrome
- Laparoscopic left adrenalectomy for 1 cm adenoma causing Conn’s syndrome
- Cystoscopic excision of bladder neck cyst in 50 year old man with bladder outlet obstruction
- TURP for 52 year old man with BPH causing recurrent acute retention of urine
- Radical nephrectomy for 12 x10 cm left kidney cancer adherent to left colon, pancreas and aorta
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 7 x 5 cm angiomyolipoma
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2.5 cm papillary type of kidney cancer
- Flexible ureteroscopy and laser ablation of urothelial cancer within pelvis of single kidney in man with previous nephroureterectomy for similar cancer in opposite kidney
- Partial nephrectomy for 4 x 2 cm kidney cancer sited above hilum
- PCNL for three recurrent stones 2.5 cm + 1.5 cm + 1 cm in man with previous open stone surgery in same kidney
- DJ stenting followed by needle aspiration of posterior parapelvic kidney cyst causing PUJ obstruction in same kidney
- Successful vasectomy reversal in 54 year old man whose vasectomy was 22 years ago
- Successful vasectomy reversal in 60 year old man whose vasectomy was 18 years ago
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer at PSA of 3.5 ug/L in man who presented with blood in semen
- Partial nephrectomy for 2 cm cancerous kidney cyst in dominant kidney & atrophic opposite kidney
- Cystoscopic fulguration of posterior urethral valve in 9 year old boy
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer with 2 cm median lobe
- Transurethral resection of 1 cm bladder tumour plus insertion of DJ stent for concurrent left vesicoureteric junction stricture
- Robotic adrenalectomy for 3 cm adrenal tumour
- Open radical prostatectomy in man with previous colo-anal resection
- Radical nephrectomy in man with 9 cm kidney cancer with left colon mesentery adherent to tumour
- Bilateral testicular lymphoma presenting as epididymo-orchitis and testicular deficiency and found to have diabetes
- Circumcision for balanitis from phimosis and found to have penile cancer
- Robotic left adrenalectomy for 5 cm metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma not demonstrated on PET CT scan
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm cancerous tumour imaged 5 years ago
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 6 cm angiomyolipoma with laparoscopic adhesiolysis of ipsilateral lower ureter stricture
- Laser lithotripsy for 2 x1 cm radiolucent ureter stone presenting initially with acute pyelonephritis
- Cystoscopy and laser incision of para-ureteric cyst
- Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for 8 cm kidney cancer
- Partial nephrectomy for 5 cm kidney cancer
- Transurethral incision of unsuspected ureterocoele containing 1.5 cm stone without any hydronephrosis
- Hypospadias repair for 5 year boy with undiagnosed distal hypospadias despite circumcision done at infancy
- Laparoscopic right adrenalectomy for highly FDG-avid 2 cm benign adenoma in woman with leiomyosarcoma of uterus
- Robotic left adrenalectomy for 3 cm adrenal metastasis from previous lung cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 62 gm prostate cancer with sacro-ileitis over-reported as “metastasis” on bone scan
- Transurethral bladder neck incision for bladder neck hypertrophy in 44 year old man with recurrent retention of urine
- Cystoscopy and urethral dilatation for long-segment long-standing urethral stricture
- Insertion of DJ stent and laparoscopic biopsy of malignant lymphoma causing ureter obstruction
- Transurethral resection of post-brachytherapy prostate causing recurrent clot retention and chronic bladder obstruction
- Simultaneous laparoscopic marsupialization of 8 cm right kidney cyst & laparoscopic appendisectomy for subacute appendicitis
- Flexible cystoscopic biopsy of prostate cancer simulating invasive bladder cancer by invading bladder base and both ureters
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 3 cm endophytic kidney cancer
- Insertion of DJ stent and laparoscopic biopsy of malignant lymphoma encasing mid-ureter of left kidney
- Insertion of bilateral DJ stents for 20 x 12 cm malignant lymphoma causing bilateral ureter obstruction
- Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy for 12 x 8 mm stone with chronic pyelonephritis but without obstruction
- Cystoscopy and excision of complex but benign 4 x 3 cm urachal cyst
- Laparoscopic right nephrectomy for 6 cm kidney cancer in man with double inferior vena cava
- Anastomotic urethroplasty for recurrent 1.5 cm bulbous urethral stricture and simultaneous meatoplasty for recurrent meatal stenosis in hypospadius penis
- Cystoscopic catheterization of anterior urethral stricture from granulomatous urethritis
- Cystoscopic urethrotomy for extensive anterior urethra stricture with hypospadius penis
- Cystoscopic stenting for multiple ureter and pelvi-ureteric junction strictures for 2 cm renal stone in unsuspected urinary tuberculosis
- Debulking of recurrent Mullerian adenocarcinoma
- Laparoscopic orchidectomy for undescended testis
- Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for 9 cm kidney cancer
- Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy for inguinal hernia after previous robotic prostatectomy
- Open (Millin’s) prostatectomy for 118 gm BPH combined with bilateral hernia repair
- Open (Millin’s) prostatectomy for 125 gm BPH combined with right hernia repair in man presenting with bilateral hydronephrosis and chronic retention of urine
- Partial nephrectomy for 3 cm kidney cancer with intra-renal tumour thrombus
- Partial nephrectomy for 12 cm hypervascular angiomyolipoma kidney
- Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy (PCNL) for 4 x 5 cm staghorn stone without hydronephrosis
- Radical nephrectomy for 14 cm kidney cancer
- Radical orchidectomy for 5 cm liposarcoma of spermatic cord
- Re-do pyeloplasty for recurrent pelvi-ureteric stricture after 2 previous open pyeloplasties
- Reimplantation ureter plus insertion of Trans Obturator Tape for simultaneous ureter stricture and stress incontinence
- Repair of distal hypospadius in 12 year old boy
- Robotic radical cystectomy with Mitrofanoff neobladder
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm kidney angiomyolipoma mimicking as cancer
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 1.5 cm kidney cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy in man with second degree heart block
- Robotic prostatectomy for 79 gm prostate cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 90 gm prostate cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for 96 gm prostate cancer
- Reimplantation of 15 cm tuberculous ureter stricture using Monti ileal tube
- Transurethral incision of prostate & drainage of recurrent giant Mullerian cyst in 35 year old man with 2 previous attempts via abdominal approach
- Transurethral resection of 1 cm bladder cancer within diverticulum
- Transurethral resection of 2 cm bladder inverted papilloma
- Transurethral resection of 2 cm bladder leiomyoma
- TURP for 36 gm BPH followed by PCNL of 3 x 2 cm impacted upper ureter stone
- Transurethral resection of remnant ureterocoele in duplex hydroureter 10 years post upper pole hemi-nephrectomy
- Sperm retrieval in man who azoospermia from congenital absence of vas
- Bilateral orchidopexy for undescended testis in adult male
- Correction of penile shortening from excess skin removed post-circumcision
- Laparoscopic repair of bladder perforation
- Laparoscopic excision of intra-abdominal mass in previous testis teratoma
- Laparoscopic excision of 2 large cysts (11 cm + 9 cm) in same kidney
- Partial nephrectomy for 6 cm kidney cancer
- Partial nephrectomy for 14 cm kidney angiomyolipoma
- Partial nephrectomy for 3 cm para-pelvic kidney cystic cancer
- Reimplantation of refluxing ureter in neurogenic bladder causing recurrent UTII
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer with previous colectomy and colostomy
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer with previous laparotomy for small bowel infarct
- Robotic prostatectomy for stage 3 prostate cancer at PSA of 75
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer in 48 year old man
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer with absent unilateral vas/seminal vesicle
- Robotic pyeloplasty for UPJ stricture
- Robotic adrenalectomy for 4 cm left adrenal adenoma – the 1st case in Singapore
- Radical nephrectomy + distal pancreatectomy + splenectomy for locally advanced 13 cm kidney cancer
- Radical nephrectomy for 5 cm kidney angiomyoma mimicking cancer
- Transurethral resection of bladder inverted papilloma
- TURP and cystolitholapaxy of 44 gm BPH with 4 bladder stones
- Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy and ureterotomy for pin-hole upper ureter stricture with remnant stone
- Laparoscopic repair of bladder perforation
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for 4 cm Conn’s Syndrome adenoma
- Nephroureterectomy for ureter cancer in native kidney post-renal transplant
- Percutaneous nephrolithotripsy for 6 cm staghorn & multiple (12) calyceal stones
- Partial nephrectomy for 5 cm para-pelvic kidney cancer
- Reimplantation of ectopic refluxing ureter of single kidney
- Retropubic prostatectomy for 200 ml benign prostatic adenoma
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-hormonal therapy prostate cancer
- Robotic pyeloplasty for UPJ obstruction from crossing vessel
- Segmental excision of idiopathic ureteric stricture
- Single port laparoscopic excision of 8 cm kidney cyst
- Transurethral resection of bladder lymphoma
- Transurethral resection of bilateral ureterococoeles (3 cm + 1 cm)
- Excision of 3 cm infected urethral diverticulum
- Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for 3 cm pheochromocytoma
- Laparoscopic excision of simultaneous 5 cm adrenal and 8 cm kidney cyst
- Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm angiomyolipoma
- Laser ureterolithotomy of upper ureteric stricture
- Re-do vas reversal for failed vasovasostomy done 10 years ago
- Robotic radical cystectomy with ileal conduit
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer with 2 cm median lobe
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-TURP prostate cancerr
- Robotic partial nephrectomy for 2 cm kidney cancer
- Robotic pyeloplasty for recurrent UPJ obstruction following failed endoscopic pyelolithotomy
- Segmental resection of 1 cm ureteral leiomyoma
- TURP of 76 gm BPH
- Successful re-do vasectomy reversal in 54 year old man whose vasectomy was 23 years ago and failed a vasectomy reversal attempt 13 years ago
- Cystoscopic removal of unrecognized foreign body tape in bladder
- Cystoscopic dilatation of ureteral stricture in transplant kidney
- Partial cystectomy for colo-vesical fistula
- Robotic radical cystectomy for multiple bladder tumours
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-TURP prostate cancer
- Transurethral resection & cystolitholapaxy of 4 cm stone within infected ureterocoele
- Y-V plasty for recurrent bladder neck contracture
- Successful vasectomy reversal in 63 year old man whose vasectomy was > 10 years ago
- Monti tube ureteral replacement for long segment post-radiation ureter stricture
- Robotic prostatectomy for 94 gm prostate cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-TURP prostate cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer in male with triple coronary artery stents on dual anti-platelet drugs
- Resection of endometriotic ureter stricture
- Successful vasectomy reversal in 63 year old man whose vasectomy was 22 years ago
- Cystolitholapaxy of 5 bladder stones
- Heminephrectomy for obstructed upper moiety in duplex kidney
- Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy for kidney cancer in male with scoliosis
- Transurethral resection of bladder paraganglioma
- Primary anastomotic repair of complete rupture of bulbous urethra following straddle injury
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer after failed brachytherapy
- Cystoscopic fulguration of bladder cancer within bladder diverticulum
- Left ureteroscopy and laser lithotripsy of 9 ureteric stones
- Laparoscopic nephrectomy for non-functioning pyonephrotic kidney
- Robotic prostatectomy for post-TURP prostate cancer
- Robotic prostatectomy for prostate cancer and 8 cm renal cyst
- Excision of 2 cm urachal cyst
- Partial nephrectomy for 9 cm kidney cancer
- Partial nephrectomy of refluxing duplex kidney
- Partial nephrectomy for bleeding renal arteriovenous malformation despite angioembolisation
- Radical orchidectomy for lymphoma testis
- Reimplantation for post-tuberculosis ureteric stricture
- Repair of high vesico-vaginal fistula
- Cystolitholapaxy of bladder stone from foreign body suture
- Nephrectomy for completely avulsed ureter following basket extraction of upper ureter stone
- Laparoscopic reimplantation of endometriotic ureteric stricture
- Partial cystectomy for 8 cm bladder diverticulum
- Re-do reimplantation of strictured ureter post-Boari flap
- Retropubic radical prostatectomy on 150 ml prostate cancer
- Robotic partial nephrectomy of 2 cm kidney angiomyolipoma
- Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for post-chemotherapy pelvic teratoma
- Radical orchidectomy for bilateral testicular seminoma
- Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy for bilateral impacted ureter stones